Grand Theft Online Client 1.0 - это клиент для игры на сервере SA-MP с модом Grand Theft Online от
Cпециальную сборка игры GTA San Andreas для мультиплеера SA-MP 0.3c с RPG-модом GTO. Размер игры максимально уменьшен, не в ущерб игровому процессу. Размер 595 mb.
SA-MP 0.3c Released :: Posted by SA-MP on 29 Dec 2010
SA-MP 0.3c features
- A redesigned car license plate system - Particle objects for effects like fire - Includes new and re-worked models like hats and glasses which can be worn - Includes new stunting objects and buildings - Improved vehicle/object surfing - The vehicle engines and lights can now be controlled by the server - You can now passenger drive-by with almost any weapon - Font colour changing in the chat and dialog boxes - Quite a few server scripting improvements and bug fixes also